Friday, March 8, 2013

Malioboro tempo doloe dan sekarang

Hi guys ! Do you guys waiting my new post? I come back with the new topic which is "Malioboro tempo doloe dan sekarang" .
Have you ever visited Malioboro? Or this is the first time for you hearing this kind of place? Maybe you still wondering, 'is it a name of food' ?
oh my ! I think all of Indonesian people know Malioboro except you are people from another country. Ok then, let me explain you lil' bit about Malioboro.
Malioboro is a name of street in Yogyakarta, Indonesia which has many places for shopping and sightseeing. The old and new Malioboro is definitely different in any aspect. Malioboro now looks more attractive, and modern. Look at the pictures of Malioboro 'tempo doeloe' and the current, it's pretty much proof that Yogyakarta (especially Malioboro) has developed a lot. For instance, Malioboro now is obviously more crowded than the old time, especially when holiday time ! This situation might happen because of the increasing of people who transmigrate to Yogyakarta. The old Malioboro was more spacy, a lots of people walked rather than used any possible transportation. The air looked fresh and cleaner back then, less vehicles and many trees on the side of the street.
Now , Yogyakarta is a tourism destination. This place grows rapidly and becomes a business area. Malioboro full with banner/billboard and there are many sellers selling their stuffs (like bag, clothes, accessories, food etc) along the side roads. Throughout times, people tend to change naturally depending on its social and economic demands. This also occurs to Malioboro.
Change is needed and, sometimes it's good . 

(pictures credit:

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tinggalkan pesan yang tidak mengandung SARA ya .
boleh kasih kritik dan saran yg membangun.
happy blogging !