Friday, November 21, 2014

It's you.

It's you.
It's always been you.
Whom I remember once I wake up in the morning.
Whom I remember when I wanna go to sleep.
Even in my dream, you often appear.
Yes, It's you.
You are the best part of my day.
I'm doing okay because of you.
But sometimes I realize,

am I loving you too much?

what if I'm never good enough for you..

what if I'm not the one who is coloring your day..

what if you don't love the way I give you so much attention and pour you with love..

and another what ifs..

It's not you who have done a mistake..
It's me.

I, who is not pretty enough for you, always worry about what you are feeling towards me.
I, who want to be the best spouse for you, am doing exaggerating because of that reason.

Could you please understand me with all of my exaggeration?
Could you please accept me with all of my weaknesses?

Written with heart in the office (9:05 AM) while thinking of him, who is annoyed because of me.
I hope he is doing okay. Allah Blesses Us 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

a short letter on Tuesday


Alhamdulillah.. what a beautiful and nice Tuesday :)
Feeling grateful because of Allah Ta'Ala and him.
yes, him.
someone who is coloring my life since we met in the office.
He is much older than me. We have 5 years of the age gap. But, age is doesn't matter
as long as he is kind, mature, sholeh and has responsibility as an imam for our future.
Never thought before, that I can fall in love to that man.
What kind of person is he?
He is so funny and a bright man, every time I have a chat with him, I laugh. He change my mood instantly from the bad into the bright one. His act, his words, his saying, his thought are always fun and positive.
He is also mature and patient to face my childishness.
Can you imagine how kind is he?
The most important one..
He respects my principle,my belief,
that I don't want to date any man without a legal relationship called as marriage.
Thus, because of that reason, Alhamdulillah he want to take a serious step for our sake.
If you read this posting, please send us your sincere pray and I wish you a happy and good life too :)
may Allah always bless us :)

special for you, Mas Sugianto.
I just want to say, thank you :)

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Curahan Hati

Marhaban Ya Ramadhaan !

Wah, sudah lama ya tidak mengisi blog ini, sampai berdebu dan usang :)
I'm back.
Bukan karena apa, tapi karena sekarang lagi di kantor, kerjaan sudah selesai, bingung mau melakukan apa lagi, jadi lebih baik "membersihkan" debu-debu yang ada pada blog ini

Mulai darimana ya enaknya?
Cerita darimana ya?
the latest update sih, sekarang aku udah ngga nganggur lagi :)
Alhamdulillah aku sudah wisuda, dan namaku sekarang menjadi AMARYLIANI SUKMA GUSTARIANA, S.S

kayanya postingan sebelum ini masih bicarain KKN , sekarang posting lagi sudah dengan kabar bahagia

Apalagi ya?
habis wisuda (20/05/2014) sekarang aku sedang magang di PT. KRAKATAU ARGO LOGISTIK 
masih magang, masih belajar kerja, masih usaha cari pekerjaan yang tetap :)

sebenarnya yang membuat aku kembali membuka blog ini adalah kenangan sedih sih.
sekarang aku nggak lagi mempunyai hubungan dengan Kak Satrio Adi Nugroho, orang yang sering aku cantumkan namanya di blog ini.
Iya, setelah 5 tahun lebih bersama, semenjak Januari 2014 kemarin, aku memutuskan utk tidak lagi menjadi kekasihnya. Aku sekarang memiliki prinsip baru. Tapi hati ini masih terbuka kok untuk dia (entah siapa) yang memang bersungguh-sungguh utk menjadi bagian dari hidupku, cerita cintaku, tetapi dalam hubungan yang sah dimata ALLAH, dan sah dimata hukum.

kira-kira masih ada nggak ya? dan kapan pastinya dia (entah siapa) datang?

Tunggu aja yah postingan terbarunya.
 (kali-kali postingan berikutnya aku udah nikah hahaha)