Saturday, May 25, 2013

Contact them, please

There are some of publishers in Indonesia that will help us to develop our skills in writing :)

Equinox Publishing is an Indonesia-based boutique independent book publisher founded on the autumnal equinox in 1999. Publishing categories include fiction, non-fiction, illustrated and specially-commissioned works.
Equinox Publishing
Cyber 2 Tower 18/F
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5/13
Jakarta 12950
Tel: +62 21 5799 8989
Fax: +62 21 5799 8988
  ( cr:

First established in 1992 in Jakarta, Indo Multi Media (IMM) has built its reputation on providing highly rated, multi-lingual and multi-genre material through its named publications and contract publishing.
With experienced editors, contributors, photographers and creative staff, IMM has become one of Indonesia’s leading English language publishing groups.
The goal of IMM is to become an innovative leader in the Indonesian publishing industry, providing quality material in the print and electronic publishing arenas through its different integrated divisions.
Globe Building 3rd Floor, Jl. Buncit Raya Kav. 31-33, Jakarta 12740, Indonesia • Tel. +62 21 7918 7008 • Fax. +62 21 7918 7009 • E-mail:
Pertokoan Kuta Center Blok B2 & B12, Jl. Kartika Plaza, Kuta Bali , Indonesia • Tel. +62 361 919 0756, 756 354 • Fax. +62 361 756354 • E-mail:


International Marketing is a department within Gramedia Group of Book Publishing Companies, Kompas Gramedia Corporation. We represent five book publishers of the group: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Elex Media Komputindo, Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia and m&c! We run and are in charge of promoting and licensing our original titles abroad. Our website,
links to:,,,,,


Periplus Online Bookstore

Periplus Online Bookstore
PT. Periplus Bookindo
Jl. Rawa Gelam IV No.9
Kawasan Industri Pulogadung
Jakarta Timur


Saturday, May 18, 2013

(S)he came !

"Hidup dan belajar kalian bukan cuma di kampus, bersosialisasi lah!" (Your life and study aren't only in your college, so be socialize) 
That's the words that I remind the most which was said by the person who came as a guest in Creative Writing class last Monday. Her name is Mbak Sonya, and she originally came from Klaten, Central Java. Once she spoke in front of the class, we started to murmur and wondering about her appearance. Ya, she looks "different" from us, although that's not something new in our life, in short, she is an waria (a man who changes his appearance into completely woman, but his gender still as a man).

"My name is Sonya, and I'm a freelancer", she started to share her bittersweet of life and her background. "Don't ask my real name, just call me S-o-n-y-a" she added. That made us laugh, cause that question really came to our mind. She told us how hard her life in the past, and the reason why she chose that decision. 

She was an activist and volunteer in PKBI (Persatuan Keluarga Berencana Indonesia) which concern in Indonesian family. Spreading the information about HIV/AIDS towards all Indonesian people whom she met, is one of her activities when she was in PKBI. She was also become volunteer when an Earthquake in Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 2006. 

Don't look her from her appearance, but please look and imitate her good attitude in socializing with others. She doesn't look ashamed of herself, but she proud of it!  
Hardworking, helping and respecting people, make some people around her give good respond to her. Despite, some of them also look down on her and I am one of them, but it happened in the past, before I saw and listened to her story.

In conclusion, give respect and chance for "them" to pursue their happiness, and give those two things for our self to be better that before. If they can be a helpful person, so why can't we?   

Friday, May 10, 2013

Review of "Bag it" movie

    There is one of amazing documentary movie which opened my eyes, entitled bag it. This movie brings the issues of plastic which becomes a problem for our environment also for our precious Earth. Plastic, in this movie, is explained as a disposable thing and hard to be recycled. Susan Beraza as the director of this movie provides us many facts about plastic and the dangerous of it that we can't imagine before. Everyone in everywhere ( including me!) using plastic in their daily activity. Mall, supermarket, offices, school till house using plastic for packaging, plastic bag, tools and many more. 
    The trash of those plastics are thrown away to the sea/ocean by the unresponsible human (maybe we also included into this kind of human?) and damage the ocean health or marine debris. Some fishes and turtles which can't distinguish between plankton, jelly fish and the pieces of plastics, they eat them immediately and it troubles them and their ecosystem. 
   Many people didn't aware of this issue and still using plastic without knowing the damage of it, but some people in the several countries aware of it and banned the usage of plastic bags in their country. They prefer to use paper bag or other bags rather than using plastic bag when they are shopping or bringing their things. 
    This movement is good for saving our Earth and environment from the damage which is done by human itself. In my country, Indonesia, those plastic bags still "travelling" around with their owner. I really want you to watch this documentary movie, for learning some knowledges about our environment. It better for us to do this movement start from ourself individually, then spread it to others. Take a look  and click at this picture below :

Our PartnersWhat You Can Do
Alternatives to Plastic
Spread the WordEducate YourselfWebsites and OrganizationsWebsites and OrganizationsAlternatives to PlasticOur PartnersEducate Yourself

Spread the Word

Those kind of simple actions that we can do without spent much energy of money, right? So, let's do it now!

Watch the Bag it movie on :
or visit this site for getting more info :