Friday, June 5, 2015

Preparation for Our Special Day


Good Morning Universe
Long time no see ! Last time I posted about our ENGAGEMENT and now I'll show you lil' bit about our "unek-unek" and "rempong" preparation for our WEDDING day.
am I busy right now? nope. Thus, I have a spare time to share

I think better if I start from PRE WEDDING PHOTO SESSION 

"CONCEPT Photography" who gave their best services for taking our moment in their studio, I found out their portofolio from social media and also our lovely "GOOGLE" . I fell in love for the first time I saw their website. They captured photo funnily and youthful yet romantic. For the young people like me (mm.. also mas sugi? hahaha. Sorry Honey) it gives me a new dream to persistently take a photo before married. Before, I thought using photographer for taking pre wedd photos will spend much money or out of our budget. But after contacted Mas Agung (photographer of CONCEPT Photo) he said that CONCEPT Photo will grant our wish and dream within our budget yet beautify our moment. It didn't cost more than one million (including make up and shop for our costume) hehe

At first, Mas Sugi didn't fully agree with this idea, but after I convinced him ("maksa" dikit gitu hehe) We made it as simple as our story. Mas Sugi wanted to give a theme of black-white and looks like bikers. And for me, I wanted a pastel theme and shabby colors (a lil bit looks like Korean style haha)
Here they are : (raw file, without label of CONCEPT Photo)

"Sometimes we argue over little things of problem, but we are loving and smiling each other, inside" 

"Maybe we are not a perfect, but we are completing each other. A wife should follow a good path of her husband, isn't she?"

"Keeping the bad sides of our husband/wife, but showing and spreading the good sides of them. It's a 'fardhu a'in' hehe" 

"Looking into your smile and laughter make me want to keep your beauty only for me. I'm afraid they will fall in love with your smile and laughter"

"Focuse to build a happy and blissful family"

 "I stole her" He said. 
"I stole his last name" said me.
"We are getting married" we said
and we laugh together cause we are happy ! 


"Don't look at me like that, Mas. I'am shy" said me.
"That's I want. Making you smile and blushing cause you're shy while looking at me" said him

If you want to get further information, please take your time to click this website :

feel free to ask them anything 
That's what I wan to share for today, let's meet in the next posting !

Clue : Next posting is about "printilan" of our wedding :)

Friday, January 9, 2015

our 1st step, our engagement. Bismillah

Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin..

Seminggu yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 28 Desember 2014, kami melangsungkan acara perkenalan antar keluarga di rumahku. Semua berjalan dengan lancar dan khidmat, penuh dengan canda tawa dan kebahagiaan. Sehingga sejak hari itu, aku resmi "diminta" oleh Mas Sugi untuk menjadi calon istri nya.

Kalau ditanya rasanya kaya apa?
Bahagiaaaaaaaaaa banget. Tidak bisa digambarkan dengan kata-kata. Keluarga besar kami sangat antusias menyambutnya. Bahkan papa sampai sakit karena harus terus menerus selama tiga hari berturut turut membereskan rumah (meskipun aku, adikku dan seorang tukang turut membantu).

Insya Allah, tidak lama lagi kami akan mengikat janji suci kami di hadapan Allah SWT.
Tidak lama lagi, berita bahagia itu akan kembali tertuang dalam blog ini.
Aku benar-benar tidak pernah membayangkan sebelumnya, akan dipinang oleh pria yang tiba-tiba hadir di hidupku, menjadi kekasih hatiku dan dalam waktu singkat akan menjadi imam ku.
Doa ku benar-benar di ijabah oleh Allah..
Allah Maha Penyayang bahkan pada hamba Nya yang penuh dosa ini,

Aku sempat meminta pada Nya untuk diberikan jodoh yang seperti papa,
muncullah dia, 
sifatnya/wataknya, perawakkannya,
bahkan sampai ngambeknya pun,
semangat serta kepercayaan dirinya,
kisah hidupnya sejak dulu ia masih muda,

Rasa sayang dan cinta ini seperti sudah muncul sejak lama,seperti sudah saling kenal lama.. padahal kami baru kenal ENAM BULAN terhitung sejak aku masuk PT KAL.

Kenapa aku mantap mau menerima Mas Sugi menjadi calon imamku padahal baru kenal sebentar dan tidak berpacaran?
Tunggu kelanjutan cerita kami ya,
Mohon doa baiknya untuk kami ya, karena sesungguhnya doa baik kalian akan berbalik juga kepada kalian. Dan semoga kebahagiaan juga selalu menyertai hidup kalian yang membaca blog ini,

Di bawah ini aku lampirkan foto-foto acara kami kemarin (28/12/2014)

*xoxo. Annyeong*

Note : Untuk review make up, dress dan ring box nya di postingan berikutnya ya