Thursday, July 8, 2010

..goes to yogyakarta..

olalaaaa .. it's so long i can't posting my lovely new post :(
maap .. mm.. i'm so confuse to start the sory from what ?? hhah .

ok , fyi , i had a long trip almost 23 hours !!!!!
ya allah .. can u imagine what i was so tired because it .
it trouble begin from Cikampek , traffic jam on it ..

uhmm ..
i'm not okay now , and i'm in bad feel cause i got sick . alergi (what's the english of "ALERGI" ?) euww ..
tangan dan kakiku bintik2 gtuu ..
the doctor said that i got it because i'm in hard thinking :( yup . i'm in trouble and of course i can't forgot it anyway ..

hope me get well soon and get happy day to post my vacation in yogyakarta ...

nb : oia , my HP was broken for 3 days ago .
perfect !! my sadness is so completely :((


  1. alergi knapa???
    cepet sembuh ya....
    oya,,bukunya hari ini kukirim...

  2. gatau alergi apa kak :(
    oh iyaa makasih ya mba rista .. pingin cepet2 baca buku na dehhh


tinggalkan pesan yang tidak mengandung SARA ya .
boleh kasih kritik dan saran yg membangun.
happy blogging !