Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Proud of my "almamater"

University Day Out

Faculty of Cultural Sciences is one of the Faculties in Sosio-humaniora Group

irene - sukma

dita "genius" itb, cqoey "unique and awkward" ipb ,and sukma "abstract"

exchange jacket with my friend cause she was really want to join in UGM

on Sunday , January 23th 2011 .. in PUSPIPTEK Tangerang , held an UDO (University Day Out) which is 11 State Univ presented special one to student of SHS in Banten . I'm sure that if u are live or study in Banten, u might knew about UDO before.
and I'm so glad to joined with FORMAGAMA BANTEN with the other from another school ..

nd for me , it was so amazing to met and joined with some people.. nd I could meet with my specialfriends .. :)
whose were friends in Elementary,Junior,and senior .. and somepeople who are friends around of my home..

and did u know..
i was happy cause i met with someone who is loved by me when i was Kindergarten - Elementary school . how was funny .. :) thats has a part of my heart but I couldn't give u some information cause I'M AFRAID I GET TROUBLE WITH MY BOYFRIEND NOW..
call him "B" :)
I couldn't say anything..
It was surprised for me..
for simple info , He was in STAN .
yes , he was genius

i had love him .. but it was in the pass .. all of him was changed .. and he wasn't still like he was child..
But , he was still remember me , make me laugh .. but couldn't make me love again like in the pass :')

hhe ...

sorrrry ..

Not only him .. I met with "D" .. who was broken my heart when I was in Junior High School ..
He said he had love me when we were in Elementary (we are in the same school) , until Junior High School grade 7 .. but he thought that I couldn't know and understand with his feelin'


So.. when I grade 8 ,
I got that feeling with him .. but he said it was too late .. HE WAS NOT LOVE ME AGAIN ..

oke ..
stop telling the pass ..
now , i'm happy with my life .. with my beloved man .. :)

hhe ..
no one can change his place in my heart

oh ya . I took some pictures with my friends in UDO .. the different we are .. not different inside :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


saat ini ak terduduk diam di ranjang kamar tidurku
tak ada suara lain..hnya terdengar deru mesin kipas angin yang selalu setia berbunyi setiap malam,, setiap ak ingin memulai mendapatkan bunga tidur..
ya.. ak memang takut bila kamarku sangat sepi.. entah ini fobia atau bukan
bila ak berada d kegelapan malam yg sangat sunyi,sepi, maka bisa kujamin ak tak bisa tidur apalagi terlelap dan mendapatkan mimpi.. sejak dlu ak terbiasa tdur disertai suara2 bising..entah AC..Tv..suara org mengobrol..dan lain2..

waktu menunjukkan pukul : 22:23 tentu ini waktu kamarku sekarang

ak mengantuk..
hand phone pun tak berdering lagi..
ingin tidur.. ak kedinginan sekarang.. tahu kenapa ? karena mlm ini, di Jogjakarta Sedang dingin sekali karna sejak sore butir-butir hujan menetes dari sang lembayung..
walau dingin, tetapi sang kipas angin tetap setia berputar..demi menemani ak dari ketakutan akan sepinya malam...

selamat tidur semuanya.. jangan lupakan Tuhan ya,, kalau lupa,maka Tuhan juga akan lupa padamu.. berdoalah. supaya kita dibangunkan kembali esok pagi ):*